Book Review: The King’s Wife by Crispina Kemp

The King’s Wife, released in January 2024, is the third book in the Alsaldic Lands Trilogy by Crispina Kemp. My thanks to Crispina for sending me a copy of the book to review.

Summary (from Goodreads)

Trouble Lies In The Hatching Of Deceitful Plans

Bregan knows her destiny is to be more than the King’s Wife, chief brewster of the Alsaldic Lands. But even that prestige position could be lost if the truth of her illegitimate birth were known. A cuckoo-child, she believes herself the daughter of a woodland daen. Yet her father is more formidable than that. He is an Immortal, an Asar.

The appearance of a mysterious black cloud causes widespread chaos and destruction, and weakens the Uissid, the Alsaldic Lands’ real power. When in the aftermath her father arrives, it’s time to ask if Bregan’s destiny is truly hers. Or is it all part of her father’s plan?

A Review in Five Parts

There’s no denying I love Crispina Kemp’s books – I love them, I love them, I love them – and once I start reading them, I find it very hard to stop.

Like the others I’ve read, the story is complex, entertaining, engaging, highly imaginative and beautifully written, and what’s more, I love how new characters mingle with ones we’ve met previously in other books from The Spinner’s Cycle (Note: you don’t have to have read the other books from The Spinner’s Cycle to read this trilogy, The Alsaldic Lands, but I can and always will recommend them!).

Crispina crafts her locations with beautiful descriptions that jump off the page into fully-fledged, vivid scenery which is easy to imagine, planting the reader in amongst the unfolding storylines (see the two quotes I’ve included below, and I think you will agree).

The list of characters is extensive, and each one comes across as authentic and believable. Bregan was my favourite character, with an interesting story and complicated history, but most importantly, she was strong and determined.

The story itself is an intriguing, engaging yarn, unique (I think), in its setting and style, and unpredictable in its unfolding. It is woven of a number of storylines, which deftly come together to create a rich story, set in an ancient landscape, where myths and legends are very real to those who live there. Fast-paced, and filled with drama and action, this is a tale on an epic scale, and not to be missed.

A Feast of Favourites

  • Favourite name from the book? Bregan
  • Favourite word from the book? Daen
  • Favourite character from the book? I have a fondness for owls, so Vissi
  • Favourite chapter: Chapter 11, where Elgelden is preparing himself and gathering the things he might need for the Games to become Reksan.
  • Favourite quote from the book: I couldn’t choose between these two:

Those rivers flowed full, breaking their banks, and demons lurked everywhere along them. (pg 55)

~ I think I will remember the one above next time the river in our village floods…

Now an utter darkness yawned between each ghost-like flickering stone, broken only when that restless firelight happened upon one of the fire stone-doors of Sauen’s cave. (pg 58)

Would I Recommend this Book?

Yes, definitely, with my whole heart. If you love fantasy inspired by prehistory, which I do, I think you will enjoy this book. But be warned: these stories will pull you in and make you want to read more and more and more, until you’ve read them all.


5 / 5