Review Requests

review requests

* * * Currently closed to Review Requests unless I have previously written a book review for you * * *

If you have something that you would like me to review here on Sammi Loves Books, please feel free to contact me.  I am willing to review anything; it could be flash fiction, a short story, novella or full-length novel, poetry collections, short story collections, published or ARCs / soon-to-be-published.  If it’s not too long, I don’t even mind reading something that has been posted on your website or blog.  If your work is posted on Wattpad, I would be happy to review that too – if it’s complete.

To see which genres I often read, please have a look around Sammi Loves Books.  If your book doesn’t fall into any of these genres, don’t worry, contact me anyway; I am always open to reading new things, though, as with any story, I can’t guarantee I will like it 🙂

I am able to accept paperback (ha ha! 😀 ), DRM-free ePub, PDF.  I read a lot of books on Smashwords, so if your book is available from them and it is free (I love promoting free books), I am more likely to read it.  I very very rarely read books via Kindle and Amazon, but I do regularly read books via iBooks.  If your book is available elsewhere, let me know and I will see what I can do 🙂  What if your book is only available on kindle?  You could always send me a PDF copy.

Why am I doing this?  Because I love reading, and I think it is a great way to support new and indie authors as well as come across new reading material from well-known and established writers.  After all, there is so much out there, sometimes it can be hard to decide what to read.

So, if you have something that you would like reviewing, please send an email to: or contact me via this contact form.  Don’t forget to include: book title, genre and a summary about what the book is about.  If the book is available online for me to download for free please provide a link to it.  Also, only books in English please.

I have a fairly standard format for my book reviews: front cover image, quick review, summary, favourite quote, review, rating.  I will also include a paragraph about the author and links to the author’s site / social media.  If you would like to be interviewed alongside your review, just let me know and I will email you a list of ten questions to answer.

Please note:

  1. Unless I am very interested in the book, I will not buy a copy for review.  That is why I like promoting free books, but  if you are happy to send me a copy of your work, I will do my best to review it.  Book reviewing is a hobby of mine, not a job.  I don’t make any money from it and there are only so many hours in a day.
  2. I no longer have a set blogging schedule but I try to keep Sammi Loves Books ticking over as regularly as I can.  That being said, I would like to say that I would be able to get a book reviewed within 4 weeks of the request (this might change in the future).  If you would like me to review your book as part of a book launch let me know when the book is being released and I will do my best to get the review done so that it can be included in your book’s promotion.
  3. Also be aware that I (currently) have four set reading / reviewing themes a year and will usually only post books that fall within the theme for the duration of the challenge (this is not set in stone).  These themes and times are as follows:

To learn more about these reading / reviewing challenges, click the links above.  If you have a book / story that falls within the scope of the challenge and would like to see it reviewed as part of it, I would be happy to do so.

Thanks for taking the time to read this page.  I know it was lengthy, but I find that it is always better – for everyone – if things are made as clear as possible.  That way, no misunderstandings can occur 🙂